Musée de l'immigration

Program for the Night

In addition to its permanent exhibitions, the Immigration Museum welcomes the UN as well as the TRAMES association, which came to present its project carried out in schools, as well as an ABC book written by fifteen young people who recently arrived in the Lausanne region.

Exhibition(s) 2

icon eye La révolte des immigrants

The permanent exhibition has been refreshed and is on show in a new space

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icon eye Flucht-Fuir: In the footsteps of refugees

"Flucht-Fuir", the exhibition set up by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), stops in Lausanne. Some elements are on display at the Immigration Museum until 20 December 2020. Guided tours on request.

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Activity(ies) 4


Le voyage plurimodal de TRAMES dans les écoles du monde entier

icon clock 14h00icon array-schedule 02h00

Musée de l'immigration

Discover the school in several languages and several countries!

The TRAMES project is led by teenagers who recently arrived in Switzerland who share their testimonies of school in migration through a book and a website. For the night of museums, a multimodal journey takes you to discover their experiences. From school in Colombia to reception in Switzerland, from arrival in Ethiopia or Yemen to departure from Brazil, from drawing classes in Ukraine to school trips to Lausanne, you will immerse yourself in the lives of multilingual students through authentic texts, original illustrations, sound and video capsules, and above all you will be able to interact directly with the young authors!

Workshop scheduled continuously from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. then from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m.

Livres et littérature

Présentation de l'albécédaire de TRAMES et échanges avec le public

icon clock 14h00 (40m)

Musée de l'immigration

At 2pm, TRAMES invites you to open this Night of Museums with the presentation of its multilingual album entitled Histoires avec des bosses, d'accueil à zigzag, albécédaire de l'école en migration. The presentation of the book will be followed by a reading of multilingual excerpts from the book by several authors and discussions with the public. A meeting hosted by Terre des hommes in partnership with the TRAMES association.

Guided tour

Visite commentée

icon clock 15h00, 16h00, 20h00, 21h00, 22h00, 23h00, 00h00, 01h00, 17h00 (45m)

Musée de l'immigration

Discover the Immigration Museum with a tour led by the museum director.


L'ONU au Musée de l'immigration

icon clock 18h00 (120m)

Musée de l'immigration

A conference will take place on the theme of the UN.

Musée de l'immigration

The Musée de l’Immigration was created by the artist and teacher Ernesto Ricou. The exhibition space and collection were created in order to promote multiculturalism. The visit is punctuated with suitcases in which memories, journeys and objects are carefully preserved, giving form to the intimate, immaterial aspects of migration. They symbolise what people left behind, their most precious possessions on arrival, and that which enriches their lives as they remain. By opening the suitcases, we begin a dialogue about the trials and riches of migration and journeys towards integration, with adults and children alike.

Through its approach, the Musée de l’Immigration hopes to raise awareness of questions regarding migration and multiculturalism, but also highlight plural identities and improve cross-community dialogue. It also wishes to develop a spirit of tolerance, transmit respect for the host country and promote the integration of migrants into their new society, with a view to building bridges between the original culture and the host culture. Finally, one of the museum’s aims is to reassert the value of memory through a collection of witness accounts, objects and documents.