Naturéum - Jardin botanique

Program for the Night

Embark on a treasure hunt in search of star-shaped plants, listen to enchanting stories under the trees, explore the fascinating diversity of mushrooms or rediscover plants through illuminated cyanotypes.

Exhibition(s) 3

icon eye Un musée à ciel ouvert

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icon eye Spécimens 24

What role do science and history museums play today? What is the raison d'être of scientific collections, both old and new? How do we choose what to preserve for future generations?

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icon eye Spécimens entourbés

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Activity(ies) 6


Une succession d’étoiles végétales

icon clock 14h00icon array-schedule 00h00

Espace Laverrière

Star anise, borage or carambola, stars are found in the plant world. Go in search of the star plants in the Botanical Garden. Answer the questions and discover your starry reward.

Continuous treasure hunt.

All audiences.


Sens et essence : deux regards sur les plantes

icon clock 14h00icon array-schedule 00h00

Jardin médicinal

This collaboration with the Echaud Foundation invites you to redefine plants. The encounter between art, science and imagination offers you a journey of lanterns created on the basis of cyanotypes of specimens from the Botanical Garden. To be discovered day and night.


All audiences


Champignons, les trésors de nos sous-bois

icon clock 14h00icon array-schedule 21h00

Espace Laverrière

Discover the fascinating diversity of mushrooms from our region, freshly harvested by the Société Mycologique Vaudoise.


All audiences.


Contes sous les arbres

icon clock 16h00, 18h00, 20h00 (45m)

Accueil du Conservatoire botanique

Under the sun or the stars, between tales and songs, Gisèle Rime will help you discover the stories and legends of three star trees of the Botanical Garden.

For families.

Guided tour

Visite de l’exposition «Spécimens 24»

icon clock 19h30, 21h30 (45m)

Accueil du Conservatoire botanique

Dive into the world of peat bogs, learn more about this very special environment, its inhabitants and discover surprising nocturnal phenomena, the will-o'-the-wisps.

All audiences.


Musique live - Lucian ODP

icon clock 22h30 (90m)

Espace Laverrière

Naturéum - Jardin botanique

They also take part in programmes to protect rare and threatened plant species by cultivating some of these species.

The Vaud Cantonal Botanical Gardens occupy 1.7 hectares to the south-west of Place de Milan, ten minutes’ walk from the railway station and in close proximity to public transport networks. This lively museum is home to some 4,000 plant species. They contain various pools, a number of rock gardens that are home to mountain plants from all continents, an arboretum and a rich collection of carnivorous plants. Several hundred medicinal plants are presented in a garden arranged systematically, in an orangery and in a tropical greenhouse. 

Designed by the architect Alphonse Laverrière and botanist Florian Cosandey, the current botanical gardens were inaugurated on 1 June 1946. They are registered on the Swiss inventory of historical gardens of national importance. 

Located within this island of greenery, the Cantonal Botanical Museum contains various collections including a herbarium with a million samples, painted herbariums and a specialised plant biology library (35,000 works).

The museum and library collections are open all year round by prior appointment.