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27EPFL Pavilions13h00
Roma Roma Roma, activation de l’oeuvre de Denis Savary et projection
Start by heading to the EPFL Pavilions and look up! Five captive, remote-controlled balloons are rising into the sky above the patios of the Rolex Learning Center. A visual and sound spectacle.
Bois de Vaux
29Espace des inventions13h00
Pilotage d'un rover
The next stop takes you to the Espace des inventions garden to discover a new kind of space shuttle. A stand allows you to pilot a robot designed to explore the planet Mars!
Bois de Vaux
28Musée romain de Lausanne Vidy18h00
Plus près des étoiles - Observation des astres
Then head to the Lousonna archaeological park, adjacent to the Lausanne-Vidy Roman Museum, to admire the stars with names inherited from Antiquity, using a telescope.
Jardin Botanique
30Naturéum - Jardin botanique12h00
Une succession d’étoiles végétales
Back on earth to explore the stars hidden in the plant world. Anise, borage or star fruit, go in search of the star plants of the Botanical Garden and take part in a treasure hunt.