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Riponne-M. Béjart (Rue du Tunnel)
6Naturéum - Palais de Rumine12h00
From the eye to the macroscopeUnsuspected details of insects or other animals are offered to your eyes. Let yourself be dazzled by the beauty of taxidermy and by the infinitely small of the animal world!
From 6 years old
An infinity of imagesBuild a kaleidoscope, choose your decorations and immerse your gaze in an infinity of colors and shapes.
From 6 years old
- 10Musée Historique Lausanne
Tempête de flocons - tout public (dès 3 ans)
Lausanne is one of few cities in Europe to have a lookout service that has been in operation without interruption, 365 days a year, since the Middle Ages. In operation since 1405, the Cathedral watch has long warned of fires and rung in and announced the hours. It may be heard between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m.
A stone's throw away is the old Académie. Today occupied by secondary school pupils, the building, which dates from 1587, was once home to the school of theology, an educational establishment for the protestant intellectual elite. It itself replaced the Schola Lausannensis, founded by the Bern authorities following the conquest of Vaud. The famous reformer Pierre Viret was one of its illustrious teachers.
Next comes the new Vaud parliament opposite the Château Saint-Maire. Positioned to the west of the Cité hill (the east being occupied by the Cathedral), the Château Saint-Maire (1430) is a remarkable example of the separation of temporal and spiritual powers. Delegated to the Government of Vaud since 1803, it first served as a residence for the bishops of Lausanne, who wanted a site far from the lower city and its turbulent bourgeoisie. It owes its name to Marius of Avenches, also known as Saint Maire, the late 6th century bishop who transferred the seat of his Avenches diocese to Lausanne for reasons of security.
We will then walk along Avenue Louis Vuilliemin for about a hundred metres in order to reach the Petit Château pedestrian walkway that will lead us via the magnificent Campagne de l'Hermitage park to the museum of the same name.
Rôtillon (Nord)
23Musée de la chaussure12h00
Visites guidéesThe museum team tells you the epic story of this fashion accessory that is the shoe, from prehistory to the beginning of the industrial revolution.
The animation lasts 30 min.