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21Cinémathèque suisse11h30 (87m)
Space JamAttacked by aliens, the Looney Tunes, led by Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, are forced to play their future in a basketball game. Panicked, they bring in American star Michael Jordan to try to win the game against monsters who have taken over the talents of the best NBA players. French version.
Space Jam
1996, US, vf, 88'
By Joe Pytka
With Michael Jordan, Wayne Knight,
Theresa Randle
7/7 35mm
Lausanne-Gare (Avenue Ruchonnet)
19mudac - musée de design et d’arts appliqués contemporains12h00
Atelier enfants: Construire son abri avec la malle aux trésorsThe public workshop is transformed into a construction site for an afternoon. The children are accompanied by psychomotor therapists to collectively build their shelters using the treasure chest. This chest made of sticks, blocks, scarves and fabrics was invented by psychomotor therapists, artists and scenographers from Switzerland, France and Palestine. The workshop allows children to mobilize their bodies, set them in motion and create according to their imagination.
Continuous and free access workshop for children from 2 to 12 years old.
This workshop echoes the mudac exhibition “We Will Survive. The Prepper Movement” .
Musée Olympique (Avenue de l'Elysée)
16The Olympic museum12h00
Medals in the spotlightThey make the front page of all the magazines around the necks of your favorite athletes, but do you really know all the secrets of the Olympic medals? In the company of our mediators and our curator, discover the new space dedicated to them in our permanent exhibition.